Ovarian Cancer In Rabbits Is It Rare For Teen Girls To Get Ovarian Cancer?

Is it rare for teen girls to get ovarian cancer? - ovarian cancer in rabbits

I wonder if ovarian cancer is rare, because in 18 years to 24 years? He had abdominal pain for several months now and have a normal ultrasound, a transvaginal ultrasound and x-ray of my stomach that everything is normal! The doctor can miss something, or should I trust the results?


lo_mcg said...

While you can never say never, the risk of ovarian cancer in young people is extremely low. Most women are diagnosed they have gone through menopause.

And yes, the confidence of the results.

I have had some risk factors for ovarian cancer - I'm after menopause and breast cancer - and I would not hesitate to rely on evidence to get rid of him.

Mihir Upendra Modi said...

Thus the risk of ovarian cancer in this age group is common for girls to stay close to me, copper and cobalt and other areas of Sico coniosis .. I hope it stays in the city area, and should work in a healthy diet and a healthy environment .. Abdominal pain may, on transitions UR hormone levels ... And there are other options that can be regarded as u with hard / have sex or repeated use of devices for masturbation had sex .. If this is not true, there could be a result of the measurement cycle, the correction is characterized by an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone, or because of low hemoglobin or alcohol or investment .. doesnot even though these if ur then last but not least, is on excessive exercise .. urself a monotonous work, even if it doesnot Appy then I suggest you go for kidney / renal checkup / anal might be a problem .. If U are in one measurement cycle of pain and suffering now, then I suggest you take a pill MEFTA Spa .. to see if it helps ... No action even after the work on ... Show Besta very good doctor to go and check into a belly full of good hospital ... Do not panic ...

Chicken Heart said...

An abdominal ultrasound through the vagina and an X-ray ...!
You are always worried?

Bleeding? Pain, to do the cycle?

I do not think there is a risk of cancer. Younger age, tested negative.
Ask your doctor what you think about the cause of the pain. You can understand most of his statements and to free for me.

spidergi... said...

It is rare in young people, but I knew a boy of eleven died a few months.
If you feel better, get a second opinion. It never hurts to ask your doctor, especially if you think something is wrong.
God bless you.

Judy said...

I am grateful that the doctor missed something. Rare ovarian cancer in this age.

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